Mass Torts

Mass tort litigation is an area of personal injury law that allows one or more than one attorney to represent many plaintiffs who were harmed in the same or similar way. A mass tort can be an effective way of achieving justice because it can expedite the litigation process for injured parties, resulting in quicker settlements or verdicts.

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Mass Torts

Mass Torts Attorneys in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Mass tort litigation is an area of personal injury law that allows one or more than one attorney to represent many plaintiffs who were harmed in the same or similar way. A mass tort can be an effective way of achieving justice because it can expedite the litigation process for injured parties, resulting in quicker settlements or verdicts.  

If you are not the only person to experience what you have endured, you may need a mass torts attorney to help you with your claim. At the Law Offices of Jeff Martin, our experienced attorneys in Tulsa, Oklahoma, represent victims who are pursuing mass tort lawsuits throughout Eastern Oklahoma, including McAlester, Bartlesville, and Muskogee.


What Is a Mass Tort Lawsuit?  

A mass tort refers to a civil action that involves many plaintiffs who have been harmed in the same way and have similar claims against one or several at-fault parties (defendants) in a civil court. Mass tort lawsuits can be filed at the state or federal level.

Common examples of mass tort lawsuits include lawsuits filed by victims who suffered an injury due to: 

  • Dangerous or defective products, 
  • Dangerous medical devices or drugs, 
  • Toxic substances and conditions, or 
  • Mass disasters and large-scale catastrophes. 

If you believe you have a case that qualifies for mass tort litigation, consider contacting a knowledgeable attorney to discuss your next steps. Our attorneys at the Law Offices of Jeff Martin provide the support and guidance you need in your mass tort case to help you get your life back on track.  


How Do Mass Torts Differ From a Class Action?  

Because mass torts and class actions have a lot in common, many people do not understand the differences between mass torts and class action cases. While both proceedings help cut down on the number of cases filed in civil court, mass torts and class action cases are not the same.

Some of the most notable differences between mass torts and class actions include these two main points: 

  1. Mass torts usually consist of smaller groups of victims compared to class action lawsuits (often, mass tort lawsuits involve a group of individuals from the same geographic area); and 
  1. Plaintiffs in mass tort lawsuits are treated as individuals, which means each of them must prove elements of their claim to be entitled to compensation.  

If you cannot choose between a mass tort lawsuit and a class action, speak with an experienced mass torts attorney in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to figure out your options.


What Are the Benefits of a Mass Tort?  

There are several benefits of mass tort litigation. The following are some reasons to choose mass tort litigation: 

  • Plaintiffs can pool their resources and present evidence together to fight against one or several at-fault parties. 
  • Plaintiffs are more likely to afford an attorney with more experience and higher fees.  
  • Mass torts are likely to attract media attention, which could help plaintiffs achieve justice and prevent unsuspecting people from being harmed in the same way. 
  • A mass tort lawsuit can expedite the litigation process.  

These are not the only benefits of a mass tort. If you cannot decide if pursuing a mass tort lawsuit is right for your particular situation, schedule a free consultation with our mass torts attorneys at the Law Offices of Jeff Martin to discuss your case.  


How Does a Mass Tort Case Work?  

Mass tort litigation allows multiple plaintiffs with similar complaints to pursue a lawsuit against one or several defendants.

The mass tort litigation process can be complicated, but each step is important to fight for the compensation you deserve. 

  1. Filing a lawsuit. The first step is to consolidate several cases into a mass tort action and file a lawsuit against the at-fault party (parties) on behalf of two or more plaintiffs.  
  1. Discovery. The discovery process allows parties to gather information in preparation for the trial.  
  1. Trial. Often, courts try a handful of cases – also known as “bellwether trials” – before the entire group of mass tort cases is tried.  
  1. Resolution. A mass tort case can be resolved through a settlement or verdict.  

Contact Us ASAP - Our dedicated team of experienced mass tort attorneys are here to help you recieve the maximum compensation that you deserve. With a deep understanding of Oklahoma's laws and a commitment to advocating for our clients, we will fight tirelessly to protect your rights and secure the best possible outcome for your case. Don't delay, and let us help you reclaim your peace of mind.


How Do I Know If I Can Join A Mass Tort Lawsuit?

Determining eligibility to participate in a mass tort personal injury lawsuit in the state of Oklahoma necessitates a comprehensive understanding of both the specific circumstances of your situation and the legal parameters defining the tort.

If you have suffered injuries or damage because of using a defective product, exposure to a dangerous substance, or any other large-scale negligent action, you may be entitled to join other plaintiffs seeking collective recourse.

To ascertain your suitability for inclusion, meticulously document your experience, collating any relevant medical records, personal accounts, or purchase details tied to the product or event in question.

Don't hesitate to seek the counsel of a qualified attorney skilled in mass torts. They will evaluate your case, help you understand your rights, and guide you through the complex legal landscape.

The guidance of a seasoned legal professional is particularly invaluable. They provide clarity on whether your claims align with the ongoing mass tort action. We stand by to offer our experience and support, ensuring you are not navigating these intricate decisions alone. Rest assured, we are committed to advocating for your rights and achieving the justice you deserve.


What Types Of Cases Are Commonly Handled As Mass Torts?

Mass tort litigation often encompasses an array of cases wherein numerous individuals are affected by the same issue and seek justice collectively, creating a front united by shared circumstances and grievances.

In Oklahoma, common mass tort cases include those pertaining to pharmaceuticals where drugs may cause unforeseen side effects, environmental torts involving large groups suffering from exposure to hazardous substances, and consumer product cases where defective or dangerous goods lead to widespread harm.

Product liability suits, particularly those involving automotive defects resulting in safety issues or accidents, are also litigated as mass torts. Furthermore, cases involving industrial accidents or occupational exposures that affect large numbers of workers are under this umbrella.

Each case, grounded in the collective power of victims' voices, seeks to hold responsible parties accountable for the impact of their negligence or misconduct on the lives of many. Our firm approaches these matters with deep-seated experience and compassion, pledging to tirelessly advocate for the rights of those affected, and ensuring that the weight of legal complexities does not fall squarely on your shoulders.


How Long Does A Mass Tort Case Take To Resolve?

The duration of a mass tort case is not easily predictable and varies widely depending on numerous factors such as the complexity of the circumstances, the number of plaintiffs involved, and the legal processes applicable in the jurisdiction of Oklahoma.

It's important to understand that the pursuit of justice in these cases is often a meticulous and prolonged process, yet our firm is unwavering in its commitment to expedite proceedings without compromising the attention each case deserves.

Typically, mass tort actions undergo a discovery phase—comprehensive evidence gathering that can be time-consuming. Additionally, settlement discussions may extend the timeline. However, our experienced attorneys work tenaciously, leveraging their considerable skills to progress your case efficiently through the legal system while upholding your best interests.

While we aim to secure timely resolutions, we also emphasize the importance of patience and thoroughness to maximize the potential for a successful outcome. We recognize the urgency and the significant impact this time holds in your life and assure you that we will stand with you, offering guidance and support, at every step of your legal journey.


Can I Opt Out Of A Mass Tort Lawsuit If I Change My Mind?

Yes, you maintain control over your participation in a mass tort case and can opt out if you decide it is not in your best interest. It is imperative to understand, however, that this decision carries significant implications.

By opting out, you forgo the collective power and potential shared resources of the mass tort. Should you choose to proceed individually, you may encounter more complexity and expense in pursuing your claim against well-resourced defendants.

We recommend discussing this critical decision with one of our seasoned attorneys to carefully weigh the advantages and potential drawbacks. Our goal is to ensure that your rights and interests are fully protected and that you feel confident during the action you choose.

Whether you decide to stay within the mass tort or pursue individual litigation, our firm is here to provide you with the support you need every step of the way. We advocate on behalf of our clients with assertiveness, aimed at achieving the justice and reconciliation that they are rightfully due.


What Compensation Can Be Recovered In Mass Tort Cases?

In mass tort litigation, the scope of recoverable compensation is as diverse as the circumstances of each case, carefully addressing the multifaceted repercussions on a person's life.

Claimants can pursue damages for medical expenses, both present and future, which account for the costs of treatments and rehabilitation necessitated by the injury. Lost wages and diminished earning capacity represent a significant concern for those whose ability to work has been compromised. Our firm is determined to ensure that this financial strain is acknowledged and compensated.

Moreover, we are acutely aware of the emotional and psychological toll these experiences impose. As such, damages for pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life are an integral aspect of the compensatory relief we seek on your behalf. In certain instances, punitive damages may be warranted to punish particularly egregious conduct by the defendant and deter future negligence.

Each client's suffering is personal and profound; our commitment is to ensure that the compensation we pursue reflects the full extent of your endured hardships. The trust you place in us is not taken lightly; we pledge to work meticulously and compassionately to achieve a resolution that helps pave the way to your recovery and peace of mind.


How Are Mass Tort Settlements Distributed Among Plaintiffs?

Mass tort settlements are distributed among plaintiffs based on a carefully structured process that takes individual circumstances into account. Compensations are not doled out in a one-size-fits-all manner; instead, a settlement fund administrator, often appointed by the court, will evaluate claims individually. This ensures that each plaintiff's unique situation and degree of harm are considered when determining the specific amount of compensation.

The process is designed to be equitable and transparent, with particular attention to the severity of injuries, the degree of suffering, and the overall impact on a plaintiff's life. Our seasoned legal team remains dedicated to providing clarity and guidance throughout this process, standing by to assist you in navigating these legal waters with the utmost respect for your personal journey toward justice.

While the distribution of settlements in mass tort cases can be complex, rest assured that our firm is committed to advocating for a fair allocation of funds, ensuring that your voice is heard, and your losses are justly acknowledged. We pledge to support you at every step, seeking the closure and financial stability you need to move forward.


What Is The Process For Filing A Mass Tort Claim?

Filing a mass tort claim begins with a careful and strategic evaluation of your unique situation. Our law firm's approach is to initially consult with you to grasp the full scope of your experiences and the repercussions of the harm suffered. This initial step is crucial, as it assists us in making an informed decision about how to proceed and in preparing a robust claim on your behalf.

Subsequently, we will gather and file all necessary documentation to assert your rights within the mass tort. Our legal team has honed the process to be as streamlined and stress-free for our clients as possible, while remaining thorough and meticulously careful to ensure every detail is accounted for.

We understand that the legal system can seem daunting, especially when pitted against formidable opponents. Rest assured, we employ our extensive experience, firm grasp of the law, and unwavering determination to navigate these complexities on your behalf.

Should your case qualify for inclusion in a mass tort, we then work tirelessly to ensure that your claim is properly filed and that you are positioned to seek the compensation you deserve. Throughout this journey, you are not alone. Our attorneys stand ready to provide the empathetic support and guidance needed to move forward with confidence.

Dealing with the consequences of an injury should not include navigating legal intricacies without a haven of support. Our firm is that refuge, where your fight becomes our battle, your hope becomes our mission, and your justice becomes our relentless pursuit.


Can I File A Lawsuit If I'm Part Of A Mass Tort Settlement?

Choosing to file an individual lawsuit after being part of a mass tort settlement can be a pivotal decision, and it's one that our firm approaches with utmost seriousness and deliberation. In scenarios where clients believe their specific circumstances have not been adequately addressed by a mass tort settlement, it may be appropriate to seek further legal redress through individual action.

While laws and court rulings can create limitations, we pride ourselves on our experience to navigate these legal channels effectively. Our attorneys are prepared to examine the intricate details of your case, assess the merits of pursuing individual litigation, and offer a transparent evaluation of your legal options. We craft a personalized strategy that aligns with your unique narrative and seeks to enhance your compensation outcome.

It’s essential to recognize that this journey, although challenging, is burdensome only when shouldered alone. With our legal team, you gain a partner that is as invested in your welfare as you are. We provide a solid foundation of knowledge and unwavering advocacy, assuring that every step taken is toward the advancement of your healing and vindication.

We invite you to reach out for a confidential consultation to understand how your situation may benefit from our tailored legal services. Together, we strive to realize a future where our rights are upheld, and your peace of mind is restored.


What Are The Risks Of Joining A Mass Tort Lawsuit?

Venturing into a mass tort lawsuit invariably introduces a degree of risk, as with any legal action. Acknowledgement of these risks is essential, but so is the understanding that our firm is poised to mitigate them.

A mass tort consolidates numerous individual claims against a common defendant, which can result in reduced legal expenses and shared resources. However, it can also lead to variations in the allocation of compensation, with some plaintiffs possibly receiving less than they might in separate, individual lawsuits.

This collective approach aims to establish liability and secure compensation en masse, yet it may not account for the nuanced differences in each case. Be assured, we analyze each client's situation intricately to ensure that a mass tort action is suitable. Your best interests are the foundation upon which we build our strategy—an approach crafted to leverage the collective power of the mass tort while preserving the uniqueness of your claim.

It is also noteworthy that mass tort actions can be lengthy and require patience. Our steadfast guidance and empathetic support throughout this process are unwavering, ensuring that you are well-informed and comfortable with each step in the legal journey.

While joining a mass tort lawsuit is a commitment not devoid of challenges, we are here to ensure those challenges are met with genuine caring. Our goal remains to usher you through to a resolution that justly represents your individual circumstances within the efficiency and shared strength of the mass tort framework.


How Do Attorneys Get Paid In Mass Tort Cases?

In mass tort cases, attorney fees are primarily contingent on the outcome, which signifies that our remuneration is linked directly to the success of your claim. This contingency fee structure forms the basis of a partnership forged on mutual trust and aligned objectives. Simply put, we do not get paid unless you do.

The percentages of contingency fees may vary, reflecting the complexity and resource allocation required for your case. We guarantee transparency throughout this financial arrangement, ensuring that there are no hidden costs or unexpected fees. Your understanding and consent are paramount before proceeding.

It is our steadfast commitment to provide you with superior legal representation without upfront costs, allowing you to seek the justice you deserve without the burden of financial uncertainty. At every juncture, our fiduciary responsibility to you, our client, remains at the core of our practice. We endeavor to secure not only a favorable outcome but also to uphold the integrity of our client-focused ethos.

Should you have inquiries regarding the specifics of our contingency fee structure, or any other financial aspects of your mass tort claim, we encourage an open dialogue. Our team is at your service to elucidate and simplify the financial considerations of your legal journey, ensuring clarity and peace of mind.


What Makes A Mass Tort Case Different From Other Personal Injury Cases?

Mass tort cases are distinguished from other personal injury claims by the scale of individuals involved and the commonality that their grievances share against a single, often corporate, defendant. This form of litigation addresses scenarios wherein numerous plaintiffs have been harmed by the same product or action, necessitating a robust and unified legal front.

The intricacy of mass tort cases lies in the meticulous orchestration required to present a collective yet individually tailored argument for justice. Our firm demonstrates an adept understanding of these complexities, ensuring that, although your claim is part of a larger group, your unique story is heard, and your personal damages are fully calibrated within the mass tort framework.

As our client, you are endowed with individual attention and advocacy that transcends the typical bounds of legal service. Your case is not just a number in a suite of claims—it is a pivotal narrative that demands its own stage. Allow us to navigate this distinct legal terrain with you, underpinned by an unwavering commitment to personalized care within the collective might of a mass action.

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Our goal is clear - to help our Clients recover the Maximum Damages possible for their accident injury claim from the resposible parties.

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Jeff Martin and Hensen Dirani focus on helping clients recover maximum damages for your accident injury claims.

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We only focus on personal injury law and various types of injuries regarding bicycle, car, medical malpractice, motorcycle, nursing home negligence, sex abuse, pedestrian, premises liability, product liability & truck accidents etc...

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We service clients all over Oklahoma, call for a free consultation. You don't pay, unless we win for you.

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